In the year and a half that I've been "blogging" I have written a few posts on the church/theology/bible. Here is what I've noticed: The vast majority of people who read my blog are waiting for funny stories. That's cool. That is one of the main things that I post on here. I also know I'm not the most brilliant Biblical scholar and may not be writting the most thought provoking posts. You can go to Brett's (http://mentalmeandering.blogspot.com/) or John's (http://faithpractices.blogspot.com) for that. BUT, I think I'll still write some thoughts about God.
With all that being said, I was asked to blog my response to Bobby's post on the Postmodern Deconstruction of the Modern Church (http://www.emergentadventure.blogspot.com/). In his blog, he says that the latest movement in the postmodern/emergent church is to meet in homes and he propounds the question, "Can it get smaller than home churches?" This is my response.
I don't know if I have any answers, but I have thought about the movement into homes for awhile.
A couple years ago we moved to home ministries for our high school ministry. We still met as a large group, but HANDS DOWN the biggest amount of ministry, impact, passion, heart, outreach, Spirit, etc. was found in these home groups. Each took on a unique feel and most were thriving...we got people in the homes that would NEVER go to church...Alpha does this same thing...I really do think it is the next wave.
It can't get smaller though...I think what we will begin to see (in an attempt to get smaller) is the "I don't need church" mentality. Meaning, "I don't need to meet regularly and fit into some form. The church is the people, so I will just hang out with my believer friends and do outreach by hanging out with unbelievers." While I totally agree that the church is the people, Paul was still writing to people who were gathering regularly, partaking in the sacraments on a regular basis, listening to the reading of the Word (or Paul's letters), meeting with people of all different ages, etc.
I think this can totally take place in a large church (although, it is much more difficult) or in homes. The bottom line is that we don't "neglect to meet together" (Heb. 10:25).
Hey, really like what you're doing with the thoughts on church. I think it is important to remember that church is a community venture. It can never become a community of one. Those people out there who want to fly solo for a while will soon findout that flying solo means you're equipped with a concrete parachute. The church is there to join with us in joy and carry us in pain.
Bring back the funny stories!
Just kidding. No, but seriously. If it is any consolation, most people only respond to my light hearted stuff, too.
I am in agreement with you.
OK, You found me out Nate. I don't usually like responding to people's serious blog posts because I don't want to say something that I will wish I didn't say in the first place but is still out there for everybody to read and usually I don't have the time and/or energy to write a disortation on the deep stuff. Your posts are a refreshing stop on a highway of great yet serious and sometimes mind-numbing blogs. When it comes to small groups or house groups or whatever you wish to call them my thought is that they are great for the right people in the right situation(s). I am currently reading a book called "The Search to Belong" by a guy named Joseph R. Myers. I don't want to get to wordy about it but it's really challenging my thoughts about small groups and the way people connect or "belong". It's a good but challenging read, check it out sometime. I hope I didn't write anything I'm going to regret, but here it goes.
love you man, keep it up
Your brother,
Aaron Esh
This doesnt have to do with this blog, but i just wanted to talk to you a bit. I'm going to read up on your blog more... so yea, um two new things...did you know my wifey is pregnant? and also YES i have recorded some new stuff. You gots to hear it. Maybe I can send it to you if you give me your email address. Do you have gmail?
PEace out
Billy Sunday
Ok, now I read this actual blog. I agree with you that we should never give up meeting together.
I've been reading some crazy stuff about all of this. Its psychotic how much God seems to be moving the church these days.
I think alpha was awesome, I personally participated in that and it was just another great way to re-enforce fellowship. Sometimes it is really hard to really focus on what you want to learn about God and Christianity just at church, or even on wednesday nights... i guess the distraction is friends but I really enjoy having those sort of brothers and sisters as well so I guess that is a good balance.
Stay strong and keep writing how you feel.
What, where's the story on fine meats. Honestly, stick to what you know kid and that's bathroom humor and meats.
Kidding of course.
As for you post I'd actually like to put in my ow tnwo cents in regards to small home churches. Coincidently my own church is being faced with the same thing(more actuately the high school youth group I help to run).
In our experiment with doing in home /community small group environments we were able to reach a lot of new people who were not willing to come to "church" but we also lost those who did not agree with/like the host (s) or not able to generate enough hosts (keeping groups small) for the amount of kids we had.
What we did learn from the experience is that in the end the greatest impact was made in the connection between youth leaders and the students. Regardless of location if a leader connected and invested in a student there were tangible results. So it wasn't so much the home environment that was best for the student, but the "home turf" environment for our leaders that allowed them to invest even more than usual in thier students.
I only want to point this out as this is something I'm "studying" now as we look to set directions for next school years programming. So I do look to discussing this with you over the summer.
In the end I would like to summarize my thoughts:
Meat stories: good
Bathroom Bloopers: Sweet
Theology: Thought Provoking
Nate: Priceless (but I'd sell him to you for $2.13 and a stick of gum)
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