Cue music...OK, are you singing it, or at least humming it? Come on, join in...you know if you do it, those sweet lyrics will be cycling through your head all day...do you need some help? "It's a small world after all...it's a small world after all..." OK, good. Now enjoy the ride.
This morning my friend Bobby B sent me an email to check out one of his friend's blogs. Bobby and I love comics and this posting was about comics, so he sent me to Aubrey's Blog. It was a great post and I noticed that she had some really cool art on her site, so I clicked to make a comment and before making my comment, I read the other comments and to my shock and utter amazement (maybe that is a little hyperbolized), I see that *thelongbrake has posted a comment on her blog.
Now, *thelongbrake is a good friend that I met in the Czech in the summer of '05. He was serving in Slovakia for the summer. He and his friend wrote a funny blog that I read. Then he came back to the Czech this last summer at the tail end of his euro trip. We hung out a lot. Laughed a lot. Went to Poland together. Stormed a castle in Krakow. Hadukened kids. Had fun. I read his blog often.
I don't know Aubrey...I mean, we may have met once...but I don't really remember. I've heard a lot about her, because my friends Bobby and Kyle are starting a church with her and I've heard she is a cool artist.
So, all that to say, I thought it was bizarre that when checking out a blog from someone I don't really know, I saw a post from someone I do know and I don't know how they know each other.
"It's a small, small world..."
haha! I actually posted a comment followed up by yours on my blog....but had to add:
1) ok, I think this is pretty funny...but when I was reading your comment on my blog I seriously got the "its a small world after all" song in my head- I'm not kidding here!!! (and then i stopped myself short because...well...the song is brutal and the image of the little children on that ride scare me a bit) haha, anways,
2) I think this shows us sorta how this whole blog thing works, because if it wasn't for YOUR blog, I wouldn't have meandered over to longbreaks....and then I would have never posted a comment, and then he would have never posted a comment...the the circle continues.
Anyways, the cool thing is that the setup of your page for "Other Must Reads" (as I mentioned on my other comment) is interesting, because your offering the viewer a little hint as to what your friends are passionate about...and I'm ususally not really a fan of titles, but I love seeing things like ie: travis: rapper/church planter/thinker (and I don't know travis, but I know his lil sis lolly)...because then I want a little more of a glimpse of that person's life,so i click on their little link...
anyways, thats what happened with longbreak, and even though its just a blog...we're all connecting here...prob for a bigger reason than we know...
have a great day my comic book friend!
i feel so lame.
yet so awesome!
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