i always thought having a stalker (or two) would be cool. ya know, its not really scary for a guy, like it is for a girl, so i thought, "yeah, having a stalker would be flattering."
a couple months ago i found out that i did have stalkers...blogger stalkers. i'd heard of such things before. when the longbrake and i were in krakow, poland we ran into a random dude in the square who said, "Hey, you're thelongbrake, huh? I read your blog all the time." then he asked to get a picture. a little creepy, but also flattering.
so there are these two girls who live in prague. they found my blog through a mutual friend and started the blog stalking. my friends told me about them. one time sunny posted a comment (a little bold for a stalker if you ask me). so, i started reading her blog (re-stalking if you will...and you will). then from her blog i found jessica, sunny's co-stalker.
about two months ago i got the opportunity to meet jessica. it was fun. we hung out. we talked. good times were had. but as i left i wondered, "did i live up to my blog? i mean, this girl is one of my stalkers. i have a lot to live up to. am i as funny in real life as i am in my blog? man, i hope i wasn't a disappointment." maybe that is too introspective and self-consumed, but really, this girl only knows me from my blog and she loves it...its a real possibility that i wouldn't live up to it...
so, last night i finally got to hang out with both of them in what sunny affectionately called, "The 2007 Blog Stalkers Convention". it was fun...also awkward...i know them, but do i really know them? do i shake their hands? do i give them hugs? do i say, "nice to meet you", "good to see you again", or stutter and act like an idiot?
we caught up on old times, like the time sunny found the link to my blog on laura's blog or the time jessica commented on my "white." post, or the time sunny and her friend laughed for a long time about my "haduken" post...oh the fun we had reminiscing!
but sometimes as we talked, i'd start to share a story and i'd realize, "crap, i already blogged about that! can't share that one." it was terrible! i realized that most of my good 'material' is on my blog. so, i made up some stories...
eventually the night had to end. it was sad. we did hug goodbye. we even planned to spend another night hanging out. the relationship is progressing nicely.
oh c-rap. Natey, I think you're really funny in real life too...not that blogs aren't real life...oh! Like, there was the thing you said this morning, I laaaaaaughed about that one. I kinda can't remember what it was, but...yeah, sorry about that "blogs aren't real life" thing...dang! This is why I don't comment.
Michael always says "K-I-S-S. Keep it simple, stupid." Great advice. Hurts my feelings every time. (Dwight Schrute)
So since comment #1 didnt work, I'll "kiss" it this time.
Great blog. Funny.
OK, my perspective is up and running! (Had some technical difficulty yesterday) Hope you got some sleep on the train!
Hey, who's this Forest Gumpain running across the Czech Republic? What you doing in Prague? And what have you done with Nate:-?Andre and Nina
i'm a stalker, but not of the internet-kind.
i watch you when you sleep.
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