Happy Blogaversary to me,
Happy Blogaversary to me,
Happy Blogaversary, dear naaay-aaate,
Happy Blogaversary to me.
Two years ago today I was sitting in the lobby of a resort on Kauai. I had just finished seminary and was on vacation with my family. I started a blog to chronicle the time leading up to Czech and to share my experiences while in Czech. So much has happened in the last two years.
I've tried to let you in.
I've tried to let you experience life through my eyes (however twisted it may be at times).
I've tried to let you into my heart. To hear why it beats.
I've tried to show you the many faces (and hairstyles) of nate.
I've tried to share my art.
I've tried to share me.
I know that I have been blessed by your comments, emails, and encouragement.
I hope that in some small way I have been a blessing to you.
To another two years (and more...)
*raise glass, look each other in the eye, clink, pound the table, tip it back*
clink...clink...Paul with his beer and me with my milk. Congrats! We love you.
first:i wrote this comment on a june blog. funny me. not worth telling you the 'why' story.
second:congrats. you have made your impact on the world.
third:dread update?
forth: found a website that is my christmas gift to you. http://pandora.com/
merry christmas. if you are anything like me this will make your heart happy... and i think you are. have fun finding new treasures.
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