Friday, December 29, 2006

America - its different here

So, I've been in the States for almost five days now. It is different than Czech. Here are some interesting facts from the first week.

- I can speak English here.

- I can say "hi" to random people on the street.

- I've eaten mexican food three straight days...and it is cooked by Mexicans!

- I don't have to take my shoes off when I go into someone's home.

- I don't have to eat every morsel of food from my plate.

- I drive an automatic transmission.

- I can turn right on red.

- I am transfixed by television. Even the commercials hold my gaze.

- When I go to a store I don't have to think of what I'm going to say before I go in...I can just walk in and say it.

- Oregon is beautiful.

- Starbucks is everywhere...and oh so delightful.


Stephanie said...

Nate....I can totally relate! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm Chris and Laura's friend who didn't make it to dinner the other night. Anyway, yesterday was my first day back in the States and I also can totally relate! Maybe I'll copy and make my own list. Enjoy your stay!